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  • Chris Lyman


You saw the building was burning, and still, you ran inside. You took me by the hand and said, “I will lead you out.” “No,” I said, “let’s sit and watch the fire for a bit.” You held my hand, and we stayed together.

Noticing that the chairs were beginning to burn, you asked me to follow you. “I’m still cold inside,” I said, and you wrapped yourself around me so I could feel your warmth. My clothes began to smolder from the flames, and you stood back a ways and said, “please come and hold me and comfort my fear.” So I moved away from the flames that were consuming me and held you.

Now in the doorway, you mentioned how beautiful the stars were in the night sky. A sky that, with my fixation on the fire, I had never seen. So we left the burning building and walked into the night air. Away from the fire, I could finally smell the burned flesh and feel the pain of singed nerves. “I will bandage your wounds,” you said, and I was comforted.

My wounds are deep, and my scars will never completely heal, but I am so thankful for that amazing soul that came and sat with me by the fire.

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